Monday, June 10, 2024

Bolo Again!

The infamous tank game lives on! Play online for free here at the Internet Archive. And of course, learn more about the game here on Wikipedia.

(a few days later) Success!  And yet... where's the followup Dinochrome Brigade game?  (searching on internet)  Should have known!
Okay, so level 1 is down.  But what about levels 2-9?  I hate to say it... okay, I don't hate it that much, but to me it feels like Gridrunner all over again.  I use Gridrunner as the example because I saw an ad about 40 years ago for it that declared something about how it's an unbeatable game.  Well, yeah!... if there's way too many enemies and you have a gun that's just not that powerful... oh!  There's the ad right there at the bottom of the Atarimania (TM)(R)(C) page!  Okay, I'll try level 9 with a maze density of 9... 5.