Sunday, December 23, 2018

More Facebook Games

LOL, OMG, WOW... I finally took the bait.  I took the bait, but I still don't get it.  Well, I mean, I DO get it.  I suppose the next frontier is to turn all the internet's Click Bait into a game somehow.  But I did find out that I'm a tsunami: a force to be reckoned with.  Sure, I'm a wall of water that's only three inches tall, but I do more damage to beachfront property than you at first think.  Then Gilbert Gottfried makes a joke about me, and he loses his hard-fought-for corporate sponsor.  Unfortunately, with these clickbait games, there's too much click, not enough bait... is that getting tiresome yet?  For example, I put some ketchup on my open-faced tuna melt the other night, and you know what?  Too much up, not enough ketch.
But to be fair, that OMG's got potential.  I am slightly curious as to what Stan... I mean, Satan would have to say to me, but Satan seems to me to be more of the silent type.  I mean, he... and he's probably definitely a he, shows up when you need him the most, and you usually just take the deal, as rotten and as back-handed as it is.  Pleasure doing business with you, I'll return upon the slightest contract breach, that kind of what-have-you.

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