Thursday, August 3, 2023

Atari Emulator -> Ron Rosen's "Mr. Robot (and his Robot Factory)"

Boy, you'd think that a robot factory would be naught but a Capitalist's paradise... just keep the raw materials flowing in, and nothing but hassle-free electric workers coming out! But the fireballs seem to have free reign of the place. Thank goodness for all the power pills that can temporarily empower Mr. Robot to permanently dispatch with them. Alas, the robot factory has many rooms and, barring the presence of a qualified OSHA representative, Mr. Robot has to look over every last centimeter of each of the factory's twenty-six rooms. Fortunately, there are Pac-Man-ish dots on each precarious platform that needs to be traversed. These white dots are eager for the attention; I don't remember another game where you can jump and "eat" a dot just before your jump is completed! Unfortunately, the creation of new robots isn't simple, and each room in the factory has a new feature that needs to be negotiated... hmm! This would make a great video game, wouldn't it? Of course, this was 1982, so the art of Atari (TM)(C)(R) video games was still in its proverbial infancy. Go figure.  And the art of the video game theme song even greater into an infancy; why, the theme music of this one literally sounds like that old classic song, Baby Face!  But these programmers were quick learners, and by the time we get to 1984 and 1985, we get true classics like Boulder Dash (C)(R)(TM) and... Pastfinder(R)(TM)(C)? What year was that again? According to Atarimania, 1984. Jet Boot Jack (R)(C)(TM) was 1983, but it's got some slick game play to it, which can kind of be a lot to ask for, if you're playing on a non-Alienware PC like myself. You know... some might say (cynical types, mostly) that this is just a cheap ploy to have a lot of posts, and I'm better than that... NO I'M NOT.

For more information on classic game programmers, go to this here web site called "The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers," apparently compiled by James Hague, a proud member of said list!

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