Monday, September 23, 2019

Atari Emulator -> Caverns of Khafka

Now, here's my type of game.  Alas, it wasn't an integral part of my childhood, so I missed out.  But it's got everything: big points, fluid action like Pharaoh's Curse, lame random sound effects... what else?  Oh, I did detect a bit of a bug.  A very Atari-style one, too: see, when you complete a level, you are treated to that old rainbow effect, and you have to hear the whole Khafka song.  It takes about ten minutes for the whole ceremony... feels like it, anyway.  As the levels progress, things get tougher, naturally.  These pesky player-missiles fly horizontally across the screen, and while you're sitting there, waiting, if you get hit by one, the Atari will remember it!  And you will therefore lose a life.  But whatever.  Everybody takes a beating sometime.  Right, Henry Hill?
I was going to make a map of the game, but something called Digitpress beat me to it!  Here's their map of Caverns of Khafka.  See, Boulder Dash has too many levels, and 5 variations to boot, so someone else will have to do it, hint hint.  Here's my highest score so far.  Level ... I'm sorry, STAGE 4 is a little too mean so far.  Clearly, I need to learn how many Gets it takes to get the next anti-Red "power pill."
(7:06 pm) - Okay, I've finally kicked this game's ass enough.


  1. It is nice to see that "my" map is useful in someway !
    You have created nice maps as well, cheers.

  2. xD <3 ...oh, right. It's not Facebook. I do maps the hard way with Paint Shop Pro. I tried automating the process with Java, but the computer's not smart enough to divine my intentions
