Friday, April 12, 2019

Atari Emulator -> Action!

For those of you old enough or Atari-ically inclined enough to recall, a company called OSS made a programming language called Action!  All the speed of machine language, but without the portability.  No messy line numbers of BASIC, what have you.  You know, just because you wrote what you thought was a good game didn't mean you could just waltz right in to Antic! and expect them to like it, and immediately start selling it for $34.99.
And somewhere, somehow, as part of the Action! package, there came three games.  One was called Amazing! (Mushca disc 108), a Pac-Man clone where you couldn't score more than 65,535 points, and you had land mines instead of power pills.  Another was Rats' Revenge (Mushca disk 127),... a clone of the final level of Donkey Kong where you have to get all the rivets, except that instead you have to run over all the girders while avoiding your (not-so) fellow rats.  The last one I remember was called "Gem" (Mushca disk 294) where you and up to four players total have to go into the Thunderdome, grab the gem, and return to your corner.  As these Graphics 1 games go, it's pretty good!  It certainly influenced my own Graphics 1 game-thinking a little bit.  There was one last one: a Defender-clone, but I never discovered that one, so screw it.  Maybe these were on an accompanying 5.25" disk or something.  Must've been it.  I didn't have an Atari modem back then, alas.  I could've really did some damage with that thing, lemme tell you!

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