Friday, April 12, 2019

Atari Emulator -> Tigris

...what, no Euphrates?  Tee hee hee.  Well, sometimes one tires of the world of the infinite game now.  I mean, who would've thought I'd be playing Candy Crush for the rest of my life?  Every once in a while, there's a slight pocket of resistance, and of course the failed game show.  Was it on CBS?  And so, I felt like playing one of those 3D Tetris clones.  (Note to self: "Drop it" on Mushca Disk 111)  But before I could to get to the Atari emulator one, I happened upon this one on Mushca Disk 107 called Tigris.  Addictive game play, as they say.  But I suppose most game play is.  "Fortnite" is the current reigning champion.  I mean, when world health organizations are calling for a stop to the video game-induced madness, you know they're on to something.
And so, this Tetris clone the Germany-based mortals have decided to call "Tigris" is much like the original Tetris, with a few tweaks.  Most notably, the German, first of all.  I guess the German for "next" is "Vorschau."  You'll find you'll be relying quite a bit on what the next piece is.  Second, you have the usual seven Tetriminos, but they've expanded the piece set a bit!  Unfortunately, you get a lot of 'Q's and 'X's in the mix.  Sure, there's the occasional two- and three-square Tetriminos, but there's a few five- and six-square ones as well.  You might call those Tigris-minos.  You don't get the full set, I'm afraid, but just enough to make the game last a lot less than forever.  I acutally just scored about 4000 points in my most recent outing, but I think that was mainly out of the luck of the draw.  Even love the music; two notes of impending dread.  Very German, indeed.

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